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Working with Systems

On September 27-29, 2013 the CP Yen Foundation and International Association for Facilitators co-hosted a Future Search workshop and invited Dr. Tom Schwarz, as a professional facilitator and systems transformer,   to both run the Future Search on a socially critical theme and also simultaneously teach the methodology - to over fifty participants from non-profit, business and government organizations.

“Future Search fits our mission of fostering positive social change because it creates the conditions for dialogue by bringing a whole system into the room to learn about itself from itself, and to work together on a task-focused agenda.

A whole system means a cross-section of people who each have a stake in the outcome of the theme under discussion but who don’t normally work together, such as:
- People with information
- People with authority and resources to act
- People affected by what happens.

Participants of future search conferences meet for three days, dialoguing about their individual and collective past, present and future, to discover their common ground and to create concrete and voluntary action plans for a future they all want...
