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Our Story


In 2001 Kinnogene was founded in China as a response to the increasing  frustration with  the slow , inflexible ‘old-hat’ processes and ‘dinosaur’ paradigms  of  large corporations.

These had inefficient and ineffective approaches to creativity and innovation – and were especially poor at leveraging off their intrinsic organizational assets and people .

Dr. Tom Schwarz joined as Partner in  2003 – he was feeling similarly frustrated with seeing organizations attempting to grapple with to-day’s fast global turbulence,  to change via old approaches - and ending up with short-term non-enduring ‘from the pan to the fire’ quick fixes.

Late 2013 Tom repatriated back to Australia and as Principal established Kinnogene (Aus) P/L as an independent entity.


So the business gelled to the vision: breathing life into  potential - to effectively and efficiently achieve sustainable outcomes.

About deep change, about value systems and walking the talk, about reaching high and moving beyond boundaries.

About People and  effective empowering Leadership.

Kinnogene has retained this ‘Kinnogene’ ethos through the years and these are reflected in our solutions globally.

In 2004 Tom attended a World Wide Facilitation conference  in Scottsdale Arizona (US) that ‘turned on the light’ in showcasing    innovative, fun  and participative ways to bring about effective and enduring change – within self or organizations – through dialogue.

These truly change people’s thinking, engagement and commitment1

Guiding principals  and values have evolved from these,  following a positivist outlook.

We use the following articulations  to frame our engagements (drawn from Weisbord and Janoff’ s ’Future Search’)

21st Century paradigm:     Systems learn from themselves

We look to the group’s own wisdom to supply the information and knowledge it needs.

“To Bring health to a system, connect it to more of itself.  The primary change strategy becomes quite straightforward… The system needs to learn more about itself from itself”              (Margaret Wheatley)

“…the concept of self-differentiation in which growth comes from owing and integrating the buried parts of ourselves..”  (John and Joyce Weir)

“ .The same dynamics of change occur within ourselves, society and all systems in between. Systems survive, develop and transform by experiencing , integrating & owning differences.”  .                                                        (Yvonne Agazarian)

And from Adaptive Leadership ..the practice of mobilizing people to tackle tough challenges and thrive... about change that enables the capacity to thrive. [Ronald Heifetz, Alexander Grashow, and Marty Linsky] ..

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